New year, new header

As you can probably tell, i spent my day off (yes, another one!) doing some much needed blog updating.
Not that i didn't like the old banner, but i was growing tired of looking at it, so i made a new one. Initially it was just supposed to be a temporary one, but i figured that since i spent hours working on it, and actually kind of like it, i might as well keep it for a while.

In other news, we went to the shop (by car, what a treat!) to have pizza with the gang, and brought Nick back with us, so we could finally start watching Caprica.
You'd think we'd be worn out from the crazy V marathon we started, and finished, last night, but no.
Sci-fi, man. I just don't get tired of it.

Dear abc, please hurry the hell up and start airing season two before i finish Caprica, ok?

Ps. I realized yesterday that i left out a couple of really big 2010 changes in my "end-of-the-year" post.
Maybe because i was writing that while making dinner and making myself look like i didn't just roll out of bed? Or maybe because i'm just not very good at summarizing a whole year in 20 minutes. In any case, now it feels weird going back and editing something that's already out there, you know? I guess i'll just post about all that stuff if it comes up, and if not, maybe it wasn't blog material after all.

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